
* This is my blog page! You can scroll through the box below to see every post.
* I do not have every post on its own seperate page, as that'd require me to copy/paste a lot. And I'm lazy. So you get this. Have fun :D

September 25th, 2023

I recently made a post on Tumblr that I've been working on for a few days; many hours of research have gone into it, and I'm glad to finally have it out there!

If you'd like to visit and even like or reblog the post, you can find it here. It's a post that brings forward some of the issues transgender folks face, as it's a very important topic to me. While I have already recieved hate mail for the post (which you can read my response to on my Tumblr blog in the same link), I don't take it to heart. I will not take the post down. I will not let the haters and the transphobes win. I put way too much research into that post to allow people who didn't even read it get to me. The fact that it reached someone who obviously shows disdain for the demographic in the post is a good thing; it means it's already getting out there. If you have a Tumblr account, I ask you kindly to like and reblog the post so that it gets to a wider audience.

Together, we are powerful. And together, we can stop transgender hatered.

September 6th, 2023

I got my blog done!

That took a lot longer than it did on the past iterations of my site, even though this site has significantly less stuff going on behind the scenes. Weird how that works out. I procrastinated on writing this page a lot, and instead focused on stuff that was arguably less important (like my Spritesheet page). I got to it eventually, so I guess it was fine, but that tells you a lot about how I code, lol.

In older versions of my website I used seperate boxes for each blog post and contained them in a bigger box (like the one this text is in) to keep things somewhat coherent, but I think I'll be using just one container this time around to save myself around 10 minutes of extra coding. Being able to sroll through the main part of the page is just as good, so it gets to stay nice and simple.

I love the way this page has turned out so far, and I definitely feel like this page is more "me" than any other version of the site. The most previous one was way too bland, and the Windows one was just a copy of an OS and had little personaility put into it. This one is based off of a shared interest between me and my partner Ray, and as such makes me feel much more proud of the work I've put into it. I want it to feel like the Geocities and Myspace days, where you've sat down at the family PC and have gone onto the internet to find people. And not soulless corperate pages.